D R Brown Photography is open full time!
We are now open to take photos any time you want.
My change of career is complete. I am fully retired from my previous president’s position at Inductoheat as of the first week in 2022. Now we really get cooking on interior design and architectural photography.
Call me at 231.838.4868 or through my web site - https://www.drbrown.photography/contact to set up a photo shoot. I am very excited to become part of the Harbor Springs, Petoskey, Charlevoix, Boyne City, etc. business community. I jointed the Harbor Springs and Petoskey Chamber of Commerces. This has already provided me with several contacts for new business.
You may have also noted via the web site that my wife, Debbie has joined the company as Art Director. She has actually been acting in this capacity since the beginning. She is currently an engineering manager at GM. While studying for her engineering degree, she managed to also get a minor in art at the University of Pittsburgh. I know the technology to take the photos and edit them to get good compositions. She has the eye to make them perfect.
We are looking forward to working with you to create photos that Capture Your Vision. We want to help you get that next big project!